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Stacks of money

The super-rich, the 'plain' rich, the 'poorest' rich
...and everyone else

Life at the top of the human food chain...and elsewhere

Everything you might want to know about wealth and the richest among us.

This page is dedicated to my sister Jeanie and her husband Scot

  • History and basic economics show that excessive disparities in wealth are bad for everyone-- including the rich themselves-- and so should be avoided where possible

  • But how does America compare to other countries worldwide in terms of wealth and income distribution? Not very well at all

  • CLICK HERE to delve deeper into The super rich...

    FORWARD to What the rich do with their astonishing freedom from taxes

    BACK to The enormous costs to society of 'right-wing' political governance

    a - j m o o n e y h a m . c o m - o r i g i n a l

    Copyright © 2009-2010 by J.R. Mooneyham. All rights reserved.